Friday, March 9, 2012

Baked Ziti (Penne)

1 lb. Italian Sausage

16 oz. Ziti (I use penne pasta)

1 cup sour cream

**½ lb. provolone cheese (grated)

½ lb. mozzarella cheese (grated)

½ lb. parmesan cheese (grated)

2 jars spaghetti sauce

Brown Italian sausage, drain and mix with the spaghetti sauce. Cook pasta according to directions on box. Layer in a 9X13 pan the following: one half of the pasta, one half of the sauce, one half of the cheese, all of the sour cream, the other half of the pasta, cheese and sauce. Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven for 30-45 minutes or until heated through.

**Note—I just buy the already shredded Italian cheese blend. I use two bags of cheese which is actually l lb. total rather than 1 ½ lbs. of cheese, but if you like it cheesier use 3 bags of Italian blend.

It is difficult to spread the sour cream between the two cheese layers. What I do is put little dobs of sour cream and then smooth them with the back of a spoon that I periodically run under hot water.

It is also a good idea to put a cookie sheet under the pan when baking—prevents messes on the bottom of your oven if you should have a boil over.

(This is Steph's recipe...she gets the credit!)

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